Thank you for your interest in the Middleton Area Development Corporation. For 2022, MADC will start focusing on planning for our next three years. With the ongoing development in Middleton, MADC will offer our services to help our business community expand and grow in the Good Neighbor City.
It is worth noting that 2021 was a highlight year for MADC. First, we successfully generated $595,000 under the Middleton Economic Relief Loan program to help Middleton based businesses get through the economic struggles of the pandemic. The MERL program would not have happened without the participation and support from the City of Middleton to create the loan fund. Once established the Middleton Chamber of Commerce pitched in to help promote the program. To date, 1 of 3 loans have been repaid in full and the remaining loans are all in good standing. Listening to our business community, collaborating with the City and rolling out a creative loan program through MADC proved to be a successful formula.
Our second highlight features a new beginning in downtown Middleton with the opening of the Stone Horse Green Plaza. The MADC Board recognized the economic and community benefits of this project and stepped forward in 2021 to establish a $100,000 match grant fund. The community responded and our grant was fully matched in less than two months. The Stone Horse Green Plaza is yet another example of a public-private partnership to help build our community.
This year also marks the end of terms for three long time Board members have had made numerous contributions over the years. I want to extend a special thank you to Mike Petta, Andy Lewis and John Geigel for their dedication and hard work on the MADC Board. Our organization would not be where it is today without their guidance.
Is there some way that MADC can be of help to your business? Perhaps provide an introduction or a referral to one of our area professionals? If so, please contact me and we will do our very best to help you become part of the Good Neighbor City.